Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Going for a Ride!

Sonja: Finally! After three weeks, a day with sunshine and reasonable temperatures. A day without having errands to run. Roland took pity on me as I was suffering from severe PMS (parked motorcycle syndrome), and arranged for a rendezvous with Alonzo, the orange Vespa GTS 300 SuperSport.
He even programmed a tour for me on my new TomTom Rider, which actually has an extra feature in which one can specifically select twisty roads, and sent me on my way.
Alonzo was more than ready to oblige, and together we blasted through the Bergische Land. Below the Altenberg Abbey, founded in 1133.
A roundtrip of 100 km (62 miles) equaled two hours of bliss, taking winding and partially single line roads.
Orange goes well with the landscape.
Meandering uphills and downhills along those little backroads was food for the soul, and I came back relaxed and smiling, and Alonzo seemingly enjoyed the trip as well.


  1. Look at your happy face! I love that orange. Very Dutch, you know...

    PMS... :^ D

    1. The Dutch football (American: soccer) team plays in orange jerseys. I am thinking of getting one to match the scoot. Yep, I am a happy camper today.

  2. What a beautiful area to ride in with nice country roads. I've always heard that Germany has some great roads.The orange color looks pretty good@

    1. It might have been that Dom's Valencia had inspired me to go for this color, and it looks indeed quite picturesque in the scenery ;-)

  3. Is the screen of the new TomTom readable in sunlight?

    1. Depends on the angle of how the sun shines on it. I had a few situations today where the visibility on the screen was limited.

    2. Thanks Sonja - I ask because I find my older model V2 virtually unreadable even in British sunshine....the advertising blurb for the new model claims better readability in sun.

  4. OH MY GOSH I AM SEEING MOTO BLISS!!!! Sonja you look so happy! Don't enjoy Europe so much because we may never see you back here in Canuck Land! I love your scoot he is beautiful!!!!

    1. You betcha, Dar. No worries, this is my general looks when on two wheels, and is independent from location. I miss the ocean and the mountains quite a bit.

  5. So much to explore! Alonzo looks very handsome in that landscape, and that's the perfect name for him too.

    Yay for getting back onto two wheels!

    Might have to look into that tomtom, does it have a function that tells what surface the road is?

    1. Brenda, I think the TomTom Rider is rather for exploring roads, not gravel or dirt. At least I haven't found a function yet that tells you the road surface.
