Wednesday, January 21, 2015

HitchBot does Germany

HitchBot, the famous pint-sized Canadian robot, which bravely hitchhiked across Canada from Halifax, NS to Victoria, BC in summer 2014, has gotten itchy feet again. Its new endeavours will take it to Germany, where one of its creators originated from. The robot has learned the language and seems to be eager to travel down the Autobahn at full throttle. The journey will start in Munich February 13th and end February 22nd. (special TV coverage on PRO SIEBEN "Galileo" 19:05).

Bon voyage, HitchBot. We hope you'll have a blast!


  1. Hitchbot made it to Victoria awhile back and had a wonderful time. She went to a wedding and was brought to the inner Harbour in a First Nations canoe and welcome with great ceremony.

  2. This is crazy, fun and disturbing all at the same time!

  3. How much fun is that!? I wonder if she can pillion?

  4. Hope she has as much fun in Germany as I did!

  5. Does 'itchbot perform any useful function?

    1. Well, it is able to communicate and talk your ear off, like a real woman.
