Sunday, January 18, 2015

A Sunny Winter Afternoon

It rained, and rained. A lot. All week. Around freezing temperatures. All in all no fun weather, not even much fun to drive. However, Sunday morning the clouds gave way to blue sky. After having been confined to indoors for so long we were eager to go for a hike. Above 600m the wet stuff turned into white stuff. The snow made crusty noises under our feet as we followed the trail uphill and visited our most favourite place in the Black Forest, All Saints Abbey. We even spotted wildlife! A day that compensated for all the poor weather of the last week!


  1. wonderful pictures and looks like real winter :-).

    how long is the exposure time you used for the pictures of the rivers?

    1. Exposure was appr. 15 seconds using a grey filter (exposure multiplication of 1,000). This was my first attempt at using grey filters. It's a lot of fun!

  2. Those are beautiful photos. It looks like decent x-country skiing weather with the nice blue skies. At least as long as it wasn't icy. I like frosty trees with blue skies and sun.

    1. In this specific area the hills are a bit too steep for x-country. But there are some areas around where you can do this. Too bad that we are really poor at it! :-)

  3. Great shots! The one on the bench is funny. Who the heck occupied your spot there?

    1. This bench caught my attention before. Who would have the idea to install such a bench in the middle of the forest? But it seems to be occupied at any time of the year, so there seems to be sufficient demand!

  4. Wow what stunning pictures! Looks like a gorgeous day. I love clear sunny winter days, they are usually pretty spectacular. Love the pic with the lounger.

    1. Thanks a lot! Yes it was a fantastic day, just as we like our winter!

  5. A beautiful day for a hike. So nice when the sun shines after a week of rainy weather.

    We had a spot of sun today after 2 days of rain, and it is now raining once again. Grass sure is pretty and needs to be mowed though.

    1. We are back to crappy weather as well... We are glad that we had that one great day though!

  6. Your photos show winter at its very best. Lovely!!

    1. Thanks a lot. Still trying to learn about my new camera. I love it!

  7. Yes, it looks like this a little winter in the southwest of Germany
    And here ( East Kootenay ) were I live, we have almost " spring " temperatures ____ HIHIHIHI
    Until now I have never seen such temperatures in the middle of January
    Above zero degrees during the day and at night not colder than -10 °
    This is really unusual...... I like it I don't need a winter

    1. Hm, quite unusual having such a 'warm' winter in Kootenay. But I gues you still have snow?

    2. Yeah it's very unusually

      This is my sixth winter.
      And we never had in January plus degrees during the day
      On the last weekend it was + 4°

      Usually it is a day to -10 ° and at night around the -20 °
      Or even colder, that specifically in January what is actually is the coldest month

      Yeah we have snow, but not as much as usual.
      That's also not important for me I'm not a skier
      The annual average over 8 meter snow
      Until now (it's the middle of January) 3.45 meter

  8. oooh, jealous!! lovely snow pictures, and the blue sky, oh my! oh well, you can never have it all, isn't that what they say? :-)

    1. Thanks a lot! Some days you CAN actually have it all, and this was one of them. Well, other than that there was no ocean around. Maybe you're right...

  9. These show off your new Fujifilm camera nicely. Really pretty snow shots.

  10. Wow, that new camera of yours does make some brilliant photos. Very impressive.

  11. Also eure Bilder sind der HAMMER.....liegt aber sicher nicht nur an der neuen Camera, das Auge des Meisters ist genial. Liebe GrĂ¼sse in den Schwarzen Wald...RITA
