Sunday, June 9, 2013

Taking a Break from Traveling

Sonja: I used to work in this estate... Job hunting and the traveling (and sight seeing) that goes with it is so exhausting...
So I better make good use of my time while back at our temporary residence for a few days. Out of a fleeting whim I visit the town where I used to live eight years ago. Nothing has changed, really.
My little scoot Alonzo enjoys playing outside. The colour prevents us from playing hide and seek, though.
A whetting cottage at the river Wupper.
 Old barn, nicely refurbished.
 I can't get enough of these half-timbered houses.
Yours truly. It's not cold but the bugs are bugging me. Note to self: Have to find a new visor to replace the broken one.
 Old farm house.
Quite therapeutic this little tour, I'd say. Now I am ready for the next bigger journey (likely by car).


  1. What a great day out on Alonzo. Love him hiding in the grass. Crouching for the sneak attack.

    1. Sneak attack didn't work, he was seen too soon.

  2. That is such a good looking Vespa. You have to like orange, though. And I do.

    1. Thanks Martha. I like orange, always did. Although sometimes I miss the daring plum that my Paolo had.

  3. You don't hide with an orange colored flaunt it! :)

  4. Orange is a very good colour :-). Eyecatcher! Nice pictures :-)!

    1. Thanks Heike, the hi viz factor is great and will hopefully increase safety, too.

  5. Bob, that sounds like you would have wanted to live somewhere else at one point. Believe me, there is not much better than the wet coast (even when it's raining...), well except maybe some places I've seen in New Zealand.
