Saturday, April 20, 2013

Flights are booked!

Roland: Things are getting serious now since we have booked our flights to Europe. We will have a stopover in London, and to ease the transition from Anglo to German culture, we decided to spend a few days in England's capital before we fly home to Düsseldorf. We will leave on April 30th with destination London and arrive in Düsseldorf on May 4th. We are starting to get excited!

Also, we had to wave another goodbye today, this time to our trusted and beloved Audi A3, maybe the best car we owned so far. We are both pretty sad that it cannot accompany us on our trip to Europe, but this would just have been too expensive. But it would certainly be nice if we could buy another Audi in Germany, and I already laid my eyes on a certain model...


  1. Wow, you two are moving faster than the world spins but how exciting! I can only imagine how full the rest of April will be for you taking care of everything that needs to be done.

    One May 1st long ago, our big adventure was leaving the Midwest for sunny Orange County....Peg didn't have to remind me that it snowed on that moving day. I'll wish you folks better weather for your exit.

    1. Thanks Coop, I don't expect a dump of snow here, but it will certainly be typical wet coast weather.

  2. With the gas prices it will likely be some economic Diesel car. I am between sad and excited now. Two days ore of packing and home will be empty.

  3. Sonja, Roland, here I am. So sorry I can't help with chores. All I have to offer is encouragement! You guys are moving really fast!

    1. No worries, we are almost done. I hope you'll tag along (virtually).

      Eventually there will be scooter content again.

  4. Wow, ich bin ganz geschockt. Und ich kann nur sagen ihr beiden macht alles richtig. An euch können sich viele Sofahocker ein Beispiel nehmen. Alles Gute für euch! :-)

    1. Herzlichen Dank, Anna. Das gute ist ja, dass uns mit deutschem und kanadischen Pass so ziemlich alle Moeglichkeiten gegeben sind ;-)

  5. I'll wave at you as you fly over Manchester!

  6. Wow you two are indeed moving fast! Safe and stress-free travels to you both!


  7. Safe travels and all the best for your new exciting adventures. Will check back often to see what's happening. Take care and stay in touch. Hendrik & Bianka
