Saturday, November 15, 2014

Last Rays of the Year

Sonja occupies the sofa at home with a flu, but these are probably the last sunny hours of the year, so I grab my camera and go for a little walk around our village. Just a few hundred meters away from our house nature starts (or what we grew used to calling 'nature' in Western Europe), so right away I dive into a world of falling leaves, color and tranquility!

What could be more beautiful than sunshine reflected in colorful leaves?

I am not the only one enjoying the last warm rays of the year...

Blue skies look different in autumn...

Playing with the zoom... I always wanted to do this!

Enough firewood for a hard winter that will likely never come!

As soon as the sun is gone the temperature falls perceptibly!

This one would have liked to join me!


  1. That second pic of the leaves is great! I like the cat picture too.....

  2. PS: Hope Sonja gets to feeling better soon.....

    1. Sonja is indeed getting better, her voice is almost back. But she is still too weak to go watching tonight's slide presentation of a guy who travelled North America for five months...

  3. I'm going to call the "zoom playing" a success!

    Sonja, get well soon!

    1. The zoom thing needs a bit of practice. I had to open up exposure a bit too much to get the time for zooming out during exposure, so that's why the picture became very bright. Will continue to play with that!

  4. I, too, hope Sonja feels better very soon! Give her my best wishes.

    Fun photos! I love the kitty and the dog. Oh, and the cow cocoons. Wherever you see those cocoons in fields, cows will appear the next spring. ;^>

    1. Hahaha! There is a theme for a movie in these cow cocoons. Not sure though if that would be a comedy or a splatter movie :-)

  5. Beautiful photos Roland. You definitely have an eye for composing the perfect picture.

    Feel better soon Sonja.

  6. Nice camera work Roland. Who knows, maybe there's a second career lurking there.

    Go make Sonja some tea :)

    1. Lots and lots of tea for Sonja in the last few days. And dozens of hot-water bags! About time she is getting better :-)

  7. Beautiful pictures! I like to find out more about that zoom playing.

    Sonja is feeling too sick to watch a slide presentation of a guy who travelled North America for five months? Then, she must be really sick!! Hope she fights off the flu quickly!

  8. you took a lot of nice pictures, very good eye for details :-). My favorite is the one with dog, I really like the colors.

    Sonja might feel better already, I guess? I catched a cold in Germany and have no voice for now 7 days and a nasty cough. Not sure whether going to a doctor or not.

  9. Feel better Sonja and don't hand the germs over to your man because having a sick man in the house is no fun at all, in fact it's even worse than being sick yourself ;-)
