Thursday, November 6, 2014

Heimat! Homeland!

Where we used to live. Super, natural British Columbia


  1. Beautiful, well done video. Is it supposed to be an advertisement?

    1. It's the new BC travel promo vid, their motto: The Wild Within.

  2. Were you happier there? I know you haven't been where you are now that long, and you can't really compare, but were you happier in that climate, the gray skies? There's no question that it's one of the most magnificent areas on earth.

    1. Martha, honestly, the grey skies and the rain didn't bother me as much as the cold in Alberta did. At least I could go out every day in moderate temperatures and watch birds and visit the ocean.
      Yes, I was happy there, and it was difficult for me to leave. But happier? No! The move to the Wet Coast had never been a smart move careerwise. I was doing ok, but Roland with all his education and vocational skills couldn't find a half decent job in Vancouver. And he missed friends and family. How could I be in a mood of constant happiness, when my better half wasn't.
      Things have changed since at the west coast, no more Bob, friends out of my social circle have moved away, our property is sold, my former boss has left the company. Things will never be the same again, even if we were to return one day.

  3. So pretty.

    There are so many things we miss about BC, but we just had such a hard time making ends meet up there.

    1. Brandy, making ends meet was one of the reasons that made it difficult for us to stay. Roland was getting quite frustrated with the job market in BC. It didn't help either that he felt homesick. A perfect setup for frustration leading into depression.
