Sunday, January 19, 2014

Germany the most Popular Country in the World (??!!??)

Source: BBC

Now this was a surprise! According to an international poll held in May 2013 by the BBC Germany was chosen to be the most popular country in the world with an approval rate of 59%, right in front of Canada! This result was even more surprising considering that not long ago Germany and Angela Merkel were depicted with Nazi caricatures all over Europe in regards of Merkel's tough approach to the debt crises. Now 68% of the Spanish believe that Germany has a positive impact, and 'only' 52% of The Greek see Germany negatively (the latter might be the reason why more people view Germany negatively than Canada).

Germany indeed is a very good place to live. The recent election campaigns showed that there are not THAT many things that need significant improvements (one of them is no doubt the lack of a minimum wage system, but this being worked on). Because of our history Germans are very sensitive in regards to extreme and populist tendencies, so usually these voices  are drowned by public outcry. Homosexuality might not be widely considered as 'normal', but as something that is not really worth getting upset about: Gay Politician? Gay Footballer? So what?

Strangely, people in Germany still have a far worse picture of themselves and their country than obviously the others do. We still believe that we are unfunny, unsexy and bureaucratic, and the picture of German towels reserving sun loungers in Mallorca is still in everybody's head.

As one (German) comment on the BBC article puts it: "...Germany needs three more things to be really good: British sense of humor, Italian sense of style and Brazilian sense of soccer! Ok, forget the last point!"


  1. British sense of humor would be good. Italian sense of style is excellent, but Germans have pretty good style too- BMW, Mercedes, Audi, for starters. It's just a different style from Italy, that's all. Living in WI I can understand the things that might put Germany at the top of that list. You have to live it to understand it, I think.

    You managed to live in the top two countries. However did you do that...

    1. Martha, yes, we are very lucky to have passports from the two best countries in the world :-) If you ask Sonja she would not mind to add a New Zealand passport, too!

  2. Good for Germany! Nice to see the world approving of it. So you've moved from the #2 country tot he #1. I guess there is no place to go from there. Good thing you are enjoying it.

    Oh, and I think we could all do with a bit more British humor.

    1. A little bit of British humor would probably make the world a better place. There is in fact something like German humor, but it is so special that nobody else gets it...

  3. It may wherever you are is the best place. When you left Canada you caused it to slip to second!

    So are you headed to Iran or Pakistan to improve their ratings (just as a test).

    Seriously, Germany looks beautiful in your photos and I've always heard positive remarks.

    1. Hm we could try moving to Belgium and see where that leads us (and them)!

  4. Canada is sadly missing you! I knew when you left it would go to hell in a handbasket ;)

    1. Honestly we are missing Canada a lot, too! Maybe THEY should pay us to put Canada back on top again!

  5. Maybe we should have had them pay for our move, and for our blog that obviously made the difference in putting Germany on top!
