Friday, December 6, 2013

St. Nicholas Market

Today is Nicholas Day, not an official holiday per say but a day honouring St. Nicholas, who was a very righteous, generous and God loving person, with a reputation for secret gift giving. This is why children getting up in the morning would traditionally find little gifts or sweets in their boots (and employees would usually find a chocolate santa on their desk).
We knew that something was going on in our small town: more traffic than usual, more people around, and roads blocked off. Curiously we went to see what was going on: Yes! Another Christmas market. We were hungry anyway and decided to scoop some soup.

On the left: Potato Soup for Sonja and Goulash Soup for Roland. Hmmm. On the right: Eyes closed on purpose to fully enjoy the warming pleasure of a mulled white wine.
On the side: a youth brass band playing rock music as well as traditional Christmas songs. They were really groovy (does one still say groovy?).
Open air boothes hugging the walls in the pedestrian zone. Given, that it is a temporary local market (this weekend only) is was packed, and still more bus loads of people were arriving from the surrounding towns.
A good start into the weekend!


  1. Nice! It looks like a lot of fun and not yet too crowded. What ar the temperatures like?

    1. It was indeed cosy. Temps were around zero C (33F), and it just started snowing a bit.

  2. Looks like Xaver didn't make it to your area. Just saw on the news the North was hit quite bad. They had to close all the Christmas markets.

    1. Besides getting a bit wind (100kph) and light snow we are yet unaffected by the storm, and I hope it stays that way. Xaver was bad but preparations were good, lots more could have and would have happened without proper warnings and preps.

  3. Potato soup soy based? I used to make it with rice milk...pretty good once I got used to it, but really lacking in body and flavor- stating the obvious here.

    1. The potato soup was very thick with other veggies in there, and thinned out with a broth. I had been assured that no dairy products had been used in the making.

  4. So neat. I like the shot of your eyes closed, you can tell how much you are enjoying things.

    I made a potato onion soup that uses no-chicken broth to cook the potatoes and then add in soy milk and sautéed onions. It is a favorite. It is nice you can find vegan soup when eating out. Hard to do in our parts unless you go to Salem or Portland.
