Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Stork Waggon: Midwife in a Messerschmitt

We found this very rare beauty, a Messerschmitt KR200 Cabin Scooter, in a little Museum in the wine village of Durbach. The scooter has a very interesting history as it was known as the 'Stork Waggon', the vehicle that was used by a midwife to reach the far-flung farms in the Black Forest valleys where she helped delivering hundreds of babies. The Messerschmitt survived the midwife by almost twenty years now, and it still looks very young! We never saw a Messerschmitt on the road before, but this one is fully roadworthy as you can see from the official license plate. What a beauty!


  1. More proof that Germans have always had the best ideas for automobiles. Smart car Schmart car. It's been done!

    1. Martha, I never looked at it that way, but you are right! In the fifties and sixties there were quite a few of these small cars (Messerschmitt, BMW Isetta, Gogo), but they were extinct for a few decades. Only with the SMART car things changed again, today there are quite a few smaller cars on the road again. And even one that almost looks like the Messerschmitt for the new millennium!

  2. Such a neat bit of history on the Messerschmitt.

    The only other time I've seen one was at the LeMay in Tacoma when we were there with you two for the Ace Cafe show.

    1. Yes, they had one in the Vintage museum, and it was also in red. Great vehicles! That was a really nice day!

  3. you gotta love those weird and wonderful little vehicles. even though that definitely ages me: I remember them from my parents' gas station, both the cabin scooter and the isetta. I even remember the faces of the people that drove them. did you see a goggo, too?

    1. Yes they had a Goggomobil, too, but it was not in perfect shape. I also remember seeing these cars on the road as a kid, but they were something special already back then.
