Sunday, September 1, 2013

'Oliver' and other Vintage Vehicles

What a big surprise! When we toured through the village of Welschensteinach we were welcomed by a sign promising an "Oldtimer-Meeting" today! What is an "Oldtimer" you ask? In Germany this is a legal definition (using the English word!) for a vintage car or motorcycle. We Germans are not even aware that in the English language this would be a "vintage vehicle"!
Of course, we had to stop and check this out. We could not believe our eyes when we found all the beauties that were collected on a small parking lot next to a football field. There was a vintage Mercedes convertible, a Goggomobil, an MG, a "Tractor turned convertible", a BMW Isetta (the first 75mpg car ever made!), various fantastic Motorcycles and one of Roland's favorite cars, an Opel Kadett B from around 1970. How versatile and indestructible these Kadetts are has been proven in a Top Gear episode where Richard Hammond drove one named Oliver (albeit the A version) through the plains of Botswana.
We were in Classic car and bike heaven! Thanks to the organizers of this meeting for exhibiting these godesses!


  1. Love the picture of the gray tractor/whatever. Do you have any details on that?

  2. Great photos of beautiful vehicles SonjaM! Danke!

  3. Replies
    1. Yep, me too. It was a very nice atmosphere, and not too crowded.

  4. More wonderful photos. I bet you spent quite a bit of time wandering around and ogling the shiny bikes and cars.

    The sign with the hanging bike is quite unique. I like it.

  5. That must have been a fun day! How lucky to have chanced upon the show.

    Thanks for sharing some awsome pics.

    Love the tractor .. very steampunk.

  6. Sonja, I remember someone dropping by our house in the mid-60's with an Isetta. It's very hard to reconcile our BMW X3 with the Isetta. The steering wheel was part of the door if memory serves and steered the single rear wheel. Can you imagine that on the Autobahn? It makes a Smart car look like an SUV.
